University Chancellors Council Constitution

Adopted 19 March 2007
Amended 6 May 2014 meeting (ratified 19 October 2014 meeting)

  1. An association is formed, to be known as the University Chancellors Council (the “Council”).

  2. The purpose and function of the Council, shall be:

    to liaise with Universities Australia Limited and similar organisations and act as ambassadors in the advancement and promotion of Australian Universities.

    to assist Australian Universities in the carrying out of their respective and collective functions;

    to provide a means of voicing appropriate concerns on behalf of Australian Universities on matters of governance;

    to provide a forum for communication and discussion concerning Australian Universities and related institutions;

    to carry out such activities as are necessary to further the above objects.

  3. The Council shall comprise such of the Chancellors of the Public and Private Universities of Australia as may choose to be members of the Council.

  4. Chancellors may be represented in the meetings and activities of the Council by the respective Deputy Chancellor of each University or, in the case of the Deputy Chancellor not being available, by some other member of the Council of the respective University, with the approval of the Council.

  5. There shall be a Committee of the Council comprising of six Chancellors (the “Committee”), that Committee having power to co-opt other Chancellors or Deputy Chancellors to the Committee, or for any sub-committee of the Council, or for any other purpose.

  6. The Committee shall be selected by the members of Council using a voting system commonly called “first-past-the-post”, on the following basis:

    there shall be a call for nominations and, if the number of nominations is less than or is equal to the number of committee positions to be filled, then those nominees shall be declared elected;

    • if there are more nominees than positions to be filled, then a returning officer will conduct a secret ballot whereby all the names of those nominated shall be written in alphabetical order on a sheet of paper, initialed by the returning officer, which shall be issued to each of the members present and entitled to vote;

    • each person voting will strike through those names on the list such that only six names will remain, being those persons the voter wishes to be on the Committee;

    • those persons elected will be the six having the greatest number of votes;

    • in the event of an equality of votes for the last position, seniority of appointment will determine election; and

    • any person within the Council or outside the Council may be a Returning Officer.

  7. At its first meeting, the Committee will select by such means as it deems appropriate a Chancellor to be the Convenor of the Council, who shall thereby also become Convenor of the Committee. The position of Convener shall be held for a period of three years.

  8. The Committee may, if it so wishes, selects a Secretary for the Council who thereby becomes Secretary of the Committee.

  9. A quorum for meetings of the Committee shall be a number representing a majority of members of the Committee and for the Council a number representing a majority of members of the Council.

  10. In the event of there being an equality of votes on any issue, the Convenor shall have a casting as well as a deliberative vote.

  11. A Chancellor shall cease to be a member of the Council on retirement from office at his or her University, the Deputy Chancellor being then substituted for that Chancellor until a new Chancellor is elected and chooses to become a member of the Council.

  12. Between meetings the Council shall be governed by the Committee, but in matters likely to be the subject of disagreement between Council Members shall seek, by whatever means appropriate, the views of each member of the Council.

  13. In proceedings of the Council and the Committee, Chancellors may be present in person or by electronic or other means, including by teleconference, video conference or other appropriate available electronic means. It is desirable that the primary delegate is in attendance in most instances or an alternate where this is not possible.

  14. The Committee may establish any sub-committee, or may delegate any of its activities to any person or persons as it deems appropriate. A report on any delegated activities will be made to the next meeting of the Council’.

  15. The Committee shall arrange for the recording of minutes of the proceeding of the Council and of the Committee, such minutes to be signed by the Convenor or, in the Convenor’s absence, the Chairperson of the succeeding meeting of the respective body.

  16. The Council may choose to use the Secretarial and other functions of Universities Australia Limited, as it deems appropriate.

  17. The Council shall cease to operate if a resolution to that effect is passed by at least 60 percent of those present and entitled to vote at any meeting of the Council.

  18. This Constitution may be amended or varied by resolution, on 21 days’ notice, matters likely to be the subject of disagreement between Council members shall seek, by whatever means it deems appropriate, the views of each member of the Council.