Deakin University

We’ve been a progressive university from day one.

We've been a progressive university from day one. Year after year, advancements in technology, groundbreaking research outcomes and course delivery methods have put Deakin at the forefront of higher education. Our achievements as a university span five decades, starting in 1974 when we became the first university in Australia to specialise in distance education.

Our campuses facilitate partnerships to deliver social, cultural and economic benefits. Headquartered in Geelong, we have campuses in central Geelong, Waurn Ponds, Melbourne and Warrnambool and vibrant online education. We are also establishing two International Branch Campuses in GIFT City, India and Bandung, Indonesia.

The following characteristics have defined the Deakin character throughout its history:

  • a focus on regional Victoria and creating a university for the Geelong region

  • a commitment to research that will make a difference to the communities Deakin serves

  • a deep commitment to equity – to First Nations people, students from diverse backgrounds and mature age students

  • a long-standing commitment to being flexible, accessible and friendly.

Governance at
Deakin University

Deakin University is governed in accordance with the Deakin University Act 2009, which defines the responsibilities of the Council, the Vice-Chancellor and the Academic Board.

Our strategic plan sets out an optimistic future powered by ideas to enhance social, cultural, economic and environmental wellbeing. Deakin 2030: Ideas to Impact is the University’s plan for realising the best future for its communities.

Mr John Stanhope AM

Chancellor of Deakin University

John Stanhope AM has extensive experience in governance, finance, accounting and business strategy. He was Chairman of Australia Post from 2012 to 2019, Chief Financial Officer and Group Managing Director, Finance and Administration with Telstra Corporation Limited from 2003 to 2011 and was an Executive Director of Telstra from 2009 to 2011.

From 2006 until 2012 John was a member of the Finance Reporting Council, the peak body responsible for overseeing the effectiveness of the financial reporting framework in Australia and remains involved in corporate reporting improvements.

John is Chairman of the Port of Melbourne Authority, the Bionics Institute, and the Melbourne International Jazz Festival.

John has undertaken studies at Deakin University and Stanford University. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Company Directors, CPA Australia, the Institute of Chartered Accountants, the Institute of Managers and Leaders and the Human Resources Management Institute.

In 2014 John was awarded a Deakin Alumni Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2016 he was made a member (AM) of the Order of Australia for significant service to the financial and national communication sectors through a range of leadership roles.



The University Council

The primary responsibilities of the Council include:

  • appointing and monitoring the performance of the Vice-Chancellor as Chief Executive Officer of Deakin

  • approving the mission and strategic direction of Deakin and its annual budget and business plan

  • overseeing and reviewing the management of Deakin and its performance

  • establishing policy and procedural principles for the operation of Deakin consistent with legal requirements and community expectations

  • overseeing and monitoring the assessment and management of risk across Deakin

  • overseeing and monitoring the academic activities of Deakin

  • approving significant commercial activities and systems of control and accountability.

Council Membership

Official Members

Chancellor: Mr John Stanhope AM (to 31 December 2025)
Vice-Chancellor: Professor Iain Martin
Chair of Academic Board: Professor Judy Currey (to 31 December 2026)

Appointed Members (Ministerial)

Nino Ficca (to 31 December 2026)
Anoushka Gungadin (to 31 December 2027)
Ryan Leemon (to 30 June 2025)
Deputy Chancellor: Dr Lyn Roberts AO (to 31 December 2025)
Georgina Williams (to 31 December 2027)

Appointed Members (Council)

Dianne Angus (to 30 June 2027)
Carol Boyer-Spooner (to 31 December 2027)
Stephen Bubb (to 31 December 2026)
Richard Carr (to 31 December 2026)
L McDonald (to 31 December 2027)

Elected Members

Staff Member: Professor Catherine Bennett (to 31 December 2026)
Student Member: Paul Majumdar (to 31 December 2025)